Arrested Romance (Oak Spring Series Book 2) Page 13
“I’m just helping you get ready for bed.”
“Forget it, I don’t need your help.” He looked at the hairless circle and back at her.
“Okay, then you can do it yourself.” She pulled a pillow off the bed and took a blanket from the closet.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“I’m going to sleep on the sofa.” She left him sitting on the bed, trying to get his boot off with one hand and rubbing his chest with the other.
Chapter 42
Pete’s eyes flew open when Chloe flipped on the light. Her young voice assaulted his ears. She ran across the room and jumped on the bed, propelling his body off the mattress. The girl landed on her knees beside him. “Uncle Pete, are you okay? Mom said you had a wreck. Yuk, you have blood in your hair. Mikki said we have to wake you up every time you fall asleep so you don’t go into a coma. She said I could do it this time. Do you want me to help you get up?”
Pete threw his arm over his eyes and groaned. “Thanks, kiddo, but would you turn off the light?”
“Sure,” she said, and bounced off the bed.
He groaned with the movement. “Be still, Chloe, or I’m going to throw up.”
“Mikki, Uncle Pete is going to barf,” she yelled.
Pete pulled the pillow from behind his head and covered his face.
Mikki walked into the room and said, “Are you feeling sick?” She lifted the corner of the pillow, and he opened one eye. “How many fingers do you see?” She waved three fingers in front of him.
“I’m fine. You can leave now, and take the little foghorn with you.”
Lisa stepped into the room. “How are you feeling, Pete?”
His one eye went to her, and he said, “I would be a lot better if everyone would get out of my room and let me sleep.”
“But we can’t. Mikki said you might go into a coma if you sleep too hard.” Chloe said.
“No chance of that. She made sure to wake me every five minutes last night. And she expected me to carry on a conversation every damn time.”
“Pete Foster, watch your language. There are children present,” Lisa said.
“Okay, guys, he’s awake. We can leave him alone now,” Mikki said. At the door, she looked over her shoulder. “I’ll be back.”
Pete moaned under the pillow.
Lisa lifted the pillow and tossed it beside him. “Chloe and I are going to head home. You do what the doctor, and Mikki, tell you. And if you start to feel worse or need anything, you know you can call me.”
“I know. You guys be careful. I’ll phone you in a day or two, when my head stops throbbing and I can think straight.” He reached over and pulled his niece down for a hug. “Thanks for checking on me. I’ll talk to you later. Mind your manners and help your mom, okay?”
“Yes, sir. Bye.” She jumped off the bed, making Pete grimace, and hurried out of the room.
Lisa kissed him on the head and took a moment to study the staples above his ear. She wrinkled her nose and said, “See you later. Behave yourself.” She waved and left the room.
Pete lay in bed listening to Lisa and Chloe say their goodbyes and leave the house. Once the noise settled, he sat on the side of the bed and fought to put on his jeans. After wrestling to get them pulled up with one hand, he made his way to the kitchen.
Mikki was refilling her coffee cup when he walked into the room. She looked over and observed his appearance, barefooted with his jeans open and low on his hips. His upper body was dotted with bruises of various sizes and shades.
Austin sat at the table, eating a bowl of oatmeal. He jumped up and ran to his uncle’s side and wrapped an arm around his waist.
Pete inhaled. “Easy with the ribs.” He draped his good arm over the boy’s shoulders and accepted his help to a chair. He bit his lip as he settled into the seat.
Mikki took a mug out of the cupboard and filled it then set the coffee in front of him. “How are you feeling?”
“Sore, and I have the mother of all headaches, but I’m okay.”
“Good. Do you think you can eat anything?”
“Maybe some toast.”
She went to the stove, and Austin said, “Mikki said you crashed your truck. What happened? Did you have a blowout or hit something?”
Pete shrugged and winced, grabbing the arm in the sling. “Someone ran me off the road.”
“No kidding?”
“No kidding. An old white pickup. I didn’t recognize it and didn’t get a look at the driver.” He started to run his fingers through his hair and flinched.
“Keep your hands off your head,” Mikki said when she set a plate of toast and a bowl of oatmeal in front of him. She looked at the staples. “You’re going to get it infected.”
She sat down and took a sip of coffee. “Was it someone speeding or showing off?”
“No, he rammed me three times. It wasn’t an accident.”
“Do you think it was anyone from the bar?”
“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.”
Austin carried his dishes to the sink and said, “I’m going to my room. I have to work on a book report.” He grabbed a banana and went down the hall.
When Pete finished breakfast, he placed his napkin on the table and covered her hand with his. “I want to talk to you.”
She pulled her hand away and wrapped it around her cup. “About the wreck?”
“Then what?”
“While I was lying there in my truck after the wreck, and later in the hospital, I realized something.”
“What’s that?”
“That it’s time we take the next step.”
“What are you talking about?’
“I’m talking about getting married, for real.”
When she just stared at him, he said, “I’m serious. I love you, Mikki.”
She stood and gathered his bowl and cup. “You’ve had a head injury. I can’t take anything you say seriously. Get ready, and I’ll take you home.”
“Home? But the doctor said I need to be watched, closely. I heard him. I don’t think I should be alone.”
“Then I’ll drop you off at the station.”
“What if I have a relapse? Maybe I should stay here another day or two.”
“People don’t have a concussion relapse. Get dressed. I’ll be ready to leave in ten minutes.”
“But wait. Can’t we talk about this? About us?”
She walked out of the room without answering.
Chapter 43
Pete walked into the sheriff’s station and stormed past the front desk.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in bed?” Trina asked.
“I’m all right,” he growled. “I need you to find the DEA agent who is dealing with Mitchell Larson. The guy has a rap sheet, so I’m willing to bet someone is watching him.”
“I’ll try, but you do know its Sunday, don’t you? Some people actually take a day off now and then.”
He grunted and went into his office and closed the door. After turning on his computer, he started pecking on the keyboard with his good hand.
Trina’s voice came over the intercom, “Agent Carter Polk is on line two.”
Pete punched the button on the phone and put his feet on the desk. “Agent Polk, this is Sheriff Pete Foster from Oak Springs. I’m sorry to bother you on the weekend.”
“No problem, Sheriff. I’ve been accused of being a workaholic. Seems I’m either in my office or in the field 24/7. I was planning on dropping by one day next week just to touch base. What can I do for you?”
“I was wondering what you can tell me about Mitchell Larson.”
“He’s a drug dealer we want off the str
eets, and we’re in the process of building a strong enough case against him to do just that. You might even say he is one of the reasons I’m here. It looks like there is some drug activity heading this way, and the state thought we needed a base in the area. As a matter of fact, that’s what I’m doing today, trying to get my office set up. We think Larson is a big part of what we are seeing. Right now, we’re trying to find his supplier. Why are you asking?” Agent Polk said.
“I don’t like Larson in my town.” Pete went on to describe Ellerton’s identification of Larson as the man who hired him to deliver drugs and the one who shot him. He also explained how Virgil was being forced to deal drugs at the local school and Austin’s involvement.
“It sounds like maybe I need to talk to your nephew and this Ellerton guy. Would that be okay with you?”
“Sure. Just let me know when, and I’ll get in touch with Gil Keaton, Austin’s attorney.” Before they hung up, Pete asked, “Does Larson have any known associates?”
“He has a few. The main one would be Jefferson Echols. Trouble usually happens whenever those two are together. Anything else I can help you with, Sheriff?”
“No, I think that covers it for now. I appreciate your help.” Pete was about to hang up when he said, “Wait, there is one more question.”
“Sure, what is it?”
“Do you happen to know what type of automobiles they drive?”
“Yes, let me look that up.” Pete heard the man’s fingers dance on his keyboard. After a moment, Polk described Larson’s vehicle as an old white pickup, the same make and model that ran him off the road. He also said Echols drove a black SUV.
“Thanks for your help, Polk. And welcome to Oak Springs.”
“Thank you, Sheriff. From what I’ve seen, it seems like a nice little town.”
“It is. Let’s see if we can keep it that way.”
“Yes, sir. That’s what I’m here for.”
Pete hung up and rested his head in his hand. Deputy Tripp knocked once and walked in without being invited. He sat in the chair across from Pete. “How are you feeling?”
“I wish people would stop asking me that. Every joint in my body aches, and my head is throbbing. I haven’t had any sleep. Chloe just about catapulted me out of bed at the crack of dawn, and then Mikki declared me healed and kicked me out of her house after half a cup of coffee.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and glared at the deputy. “What do you want?”
“I was wondering if you’ve remembered anything else about the accident.”
“I’m pretty sure it wasn’t an accident.” He rubbed his shoulder and described the truck that ran him off the road.
“You really think it was deliberate?” Tripp asked.
“I do. There wasn’t anyone else around. He could have passed me. Whoever it was, they wanted me out of the picture.”
“They? So you think there was more than one?”
“It all happened pretty fast, but I know I saw someone in the passenger seat when that truck came up beside me.”
“Do you think you can ID him?”
Pete adjusted the sling on his neck. “No, the windows were tinted, and it was starting to get dark. But I think he may have been wearing a cap.”
“A baseball cap?”
“Yes, I think so.”
“And nothing on the truck?”
“Old and white. It had a grille cover.” He massaged his forehead. “Not much else I remember.” He leaned back and rested his head on the back of his chair. “This is a lot harder from this side of the investigation. Now I understand why so many victims can’t tell us anything.”
“It’s okay. You’re still suffering from the concussion. As a matter of fact, are you even supposed to be here? Didn’t the doctor tell you to stay home and take it easy?”
“I told Mikki to drop me off here so I could check on a few things and make a couple of calls.” He sat forward and pushed the keyboard toward the deputy. “See if you can pull up a mug shot on a guy named Jefferson Echols.” He tried to lift the arm in the sling and said, “I can’t do anything but hunt and peck with this arm wrapped up.” He leaned back and closed his eyes again.
Tripp worked on the computer a few minutes then said, “Take a look.”
Pete turned the monitor and studied the mug shot on the screen. “Well, well, well. If it’s not another one.”
“You know him?”
“He was also in the diner. With Larson. I think it may have been Larson’s truck that hit me, and Echols may have been the one in the passenger seat. They were at the bar last night. I guess they must have recognized me.” He rubbed his shoulder again and said, “See what you can find out about those two. They go to the diner now and then. Penny may know something. Start with her.”
“I’ll get on it, and as the second in command, I’m telling you to go home, get some rest, and leave the investigation to me.”
Pete sighed. “Okay, but you call me if you guys get busy.”
“Yes, sir. If the Bundy sisters jaywalk across Main Street again, you’ll be the first one I call. Now go home, Sheriff. Let me handle it for a day or two. Go drive Mikki crazy.”
Pete stood and said, “I would, but she isn’t very happy with me right now. I’ve tried to phone her ever since she dropped me off, but she isn’t answering my calls.”
“Problems in paradise?”
“She’s a little upset with me over the issue with Austin, and last night didn’t help matters.”
“She’s mad about the wreck?”
“No, something happened before that, at the bar. But it’s nothing.”
“Then go make up or go home before I have to arrest you for trespassing and loitering. I’ve got this.”
“You talked me into it. See you in a day or two.” He left his office and walked past the front desk. As he opened the front door, he said, “I’m out of here. If you need me, I’ll be at home. Tripp’s in charge.”
“Good, you look awful,” Trina said.
“Thanks a lot. By the way, I’ll be using one of the squad cars until the insurance company settles on my truck.” He walked out of the building and tried to call Mikki as he crossed the parking lot.
She didn’t answer.
Chapter 44
The following Friday evening Pete knocked on Mikki’s kitchen door.
Austin opened it and said, “Hi, Uncle Pete, come in.”
Voices could be heard from the guest room. Pete nodded in that direction and said, “What’s up?”
“Nothing. I want to watch the new Blood for Revenge movie, but Mom says no because Chloe isn’t old enough. And she’s mad because Mom said she can’t go to the library.” He grabbed an apple and went back to the living room.
“Uncle Pete,” Chloe cried as she ran toward him and threw her arms around his waist. “The library is having a lock-in, and I want to go, but I can’t because of Austin.”
He returned the hug with his uninjured arm. “Watch the ribs, kiddo.”
“Chloe, dial down the drama, please.” Lisa walked into the room with a hand on her back and one pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Yeah, you don’t want to wake Mikki,” Pete said, glancing down the hall.
“Oh, she isn’t here. She went on a date,” the girl said.
Pete looked at his sister. “What’s she talking about?”
Lisa sighed. “Mikki went to a hospital banquet with some doctor.”
“She looked like a movie star,” Chloe said.
“Mikki went on a date?” Pete stared at his sister.
“Yeah, everybody gets to have fun but me,” Chloe whined. “And it’s all because of Austin.”
“I don’t need a babysitter,” the boy yelled from the living room. “Go to your stup
id bunking party. I don’t care.”
Pete looked at Lisa. “What are they talking about?”
“The library is having a mother-daughter lock-in, no boys allowed.”
“I tell you what. Why don’t you and Chloe go to the lock-in, and I’ll stay here with Austin until Mikki gets back.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, he’s sure. Please, go, and take her with you,” Austin said as he walked into the room.
Chloe squealed and ran down the hall, sticking her tongue out at her brother on the way. She was back in minutes with a blanket under her arm. Over her shoulder was a backpack with the head of a pink and purple unicorn sticking out of the zipper. “You are the bestest, Uncle Pete.”
Lisa looked at her brother through narrowed eyes. “You aren’t going to cause problems, are you?”
“Me? I’m just going to hang out and watch Blood for Revenge with Austin. Go on, have fun.” He wiggled his brows. “Unless you want to stay and watch it with us. I hear it’s pretty gory.”
“No thanks.” She cringed and went down the hall. A few minutes later she returned with a blanket of her own. She picked up her purse and said, “Something tells me I’m going to regret this. Are you sure you aren’t going to do anything stupid?”
He drew an imaginary X across his chest. “I promise.”
She hesitated then said, “Okay.” When she kissed her son, she said, “Make sure he behaves.”
Austin laughed and pulled a bag of popcorn out of the cabinet.
When she walked past Pete, she said, “If he has nightmares over this movie, you’re going to have to sit up with him.”
Four hours later Pete was on the sofa with one hand behind his head and his injured arm across his chest when Mikki walked into the kitchen followed by Dr. Nate Cook.
She stopped when she saw him. “What are you doing here?”
Pete’s eyes scanned Mikki’s slim body. She was dressed in a floor-length teal-green dress with sequins covering the low-cut top. A tanned thigh peeked through the slit up the side. Her hair was in a tall mass of curls with soft wisps at her temples, and her makeup was flawless. He looked at his watch and sat up. “I stopped by to see the family.” He turned off the TV then stood and offered his hand to her companion. “Pete Foster, Sheriff Pete Foster. Mikki’s husband.”