Arrested Romance (Oak Spring Series Book 2) Read online

Page 17

  Chloe came out of the living room and started bouncing in front of Austin. “Did you really steal a car? Were you guys driving a million miles an hour like they do on TV? Were the cops chasing you? I bet there were bullets flying everywhere.” She giggled. “This is so awesome!”

  “Chloe Michelle Riley, it is not awesome. This is serious,” Lisa chided.

  “No, we didn’t run from the cops, and there were no gunshots. But Derik did hotwire the car. It was so cool. He might show me how to do it.”

  “Austin Riley, he will do no such thing.”

  He turned to his mother. “I’m sorry, Mom. Derik never went over the speed limit, I promise. He was very careful the whole time. We were just trying to help Uncle Pete.”

  Lisa looked over her shoulder at her brother. “I’ll talk to your uncle later. Right now I just need to know you’re okay.” She led her kids to the living room.

  Pete went to Mikki’s room and stopped in the open doorway. She was standing at the window with her forehead pressed against the glass. He walked over and began to massage her shoulders. She moaned. He placed a soft kiss on her temple and said, “I’m sorry about all of this. I didn’t know Derik would steal a car and follow those guys. You know me better than that. I would never risk Austin’s safety.”

  She didn’t answer.

  He kept kneading her tense muscles. “But I’m not sorry about spoiling your date with the doctor. If he’s involved with Mitchell Larson, then he’s bad news. You need to stay away from him.” He brushed her hair to one side and kissed her neck.

  Mikki walked away. “I can’t believe Nate is involved in drugs. You’re just upset because I’m seeing other people.”

  Pete stepped beside her. “Come on, Mikki. Admit it. You only went out with him to make me jealous. You know you aren’t interested in anyone else.” He pulled her close and kissed her. When she didn’t respond, he deepened the kiss. She groaned and slipped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. He began to nibble her neck. She dropped her head back. His lips worked their way to her ear, and he whispered, “Especially since you’re my wife.”

  Mikki placed her palms on his chest and pushed him away. “I told you to stop saying that. It was a bunch of drunks playing a trick.” She rubbed her temples. “Go home. I have a headache, and I’m going to bed.”

  Pete kissed her on the head and stepped into the hall. He glanced in the living room and saw Lisa and her children sitting on the couch, staring at Austin’s phone. He shook his head when he heard the boy say, “And take a look at this picture. That car was so sweet, just look at it.”

  Pete left the house and locked the door behind him.

  Chapter 55

  Pete set his glass of tea on the table and watched Derik slide into the seat across from him. He looked at his watch and said, “I didn’t know if you were going to make it. I’ve already ordered. We have to be in court in an hour.”

  “I know. Monday’s are always wild at the shop, and this morning was just crazy.” Derik grabbed a menu behind the napkin holder and started reading.

  Pete took another drink. “I was starting to think Kelly may have chained you to the bed. So, how mad is she?”

  “She’s okay.”

  “Man, I’m sorry. I never meant to get you into trouble, or put you in danger.”

  “No problem. It was my decision to take the car, and let me tell you, it was really sweet.” He grinned. “And the make-up sex was worth it.”

  “Well, I’m still sorry.”

  Penny came to the table and took Derik’s order. When she left, he said, “How about you guys? Are things okay with you and Mikki?”

  Pete took another drink. “They’ve been better.”

  “Pre-wedding jitters?”

  Pete choked on his tea. “What?”

  “Oops, am I not supposed to know?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Penny returned with Derik’s drink. He took a sip then sat back. “When Mikki handed me that pad and pen on the way home Saturday, there was a receipt stuck between the pages. It was from the Bridal Boutique.”

  Penny reappeared with their food. The men thanked her, then Pete said, “What are you talking about?”

  “You didn’t know? Oh man, I’m sorry. When I mentioned it to Kelly, she said that’s where she and Mikki were when they saw you on the bike with Austin’s tutor.”

  “Mikki was shopping for a wedding dress?”

  “Sort of. Kelly said Mikki told her you had hinted about getting married.” He pulled the decorative pick from his sandwich and laid it on the table beside his plate. “I may have mentioned something about our conversation when you said you’d been thinking about a future with Mikki.” He looked up and said, “Sorry, I guess I’m not surprised Kelly told her, but I didn’t know they would take it that far.”

  Pete shook his head. “Mikki bought a wedding dress.”

  “Kelly said she found one she liked but just got a price quote. She didn’t buy anything.”

  Pete sat back and wiped his mouth. “I had no idea.”

  “Kelly said Mikki told her things have been a little bumpy with you guys lately, but when I saw that receipt, I assumed you had worked it out. So, what’s up? One minute you’re talking about the future and she’s dress shopping, and the next she’s dating that doctor. What gives?”

  Pete picked up his double cheeseburger. “Hell if I know.” He took a bite and shook his head. “It all started to go haywire when Mikki saw me on that bike with Julie, and then she walked in on us later while we were trying to show Austin how to dance. That was the night you guys let him stay over.” He grinned. “I still owe you for that one, man.” He took a drink. “Then I guess I screwed things up again when I had to take Austin in for the drugs in his locker. Mikki was upset with me, and I don’t blame her. I didn’t like myself much either, but I had to do my job.” He took a drink and shook his head again. “I made things even worse when the principal told me Austin had been in trouble for smoking and I found out Mikki didn’t tell me about it.” He shrugged. “I’m afraid I didn’t handle it very well.”

  Derik nodded and listened while he ate.

  “Then I found out the fingerprints on that envelope of drugs belonged to Mitchell Larson. When I saw his mug shot, I realized he was one of the guys we saw in here a few weeks ago, sitting over there in the corner.”

  Derik took a drink and nodded again.

  “My shooting victim identified Larson as the trigger man, so I decided to go to the bar where the assault occurred and see if I could spot him.” Pete threw his arms in the air. “All of a sudden Mikki walks in. It seems she was coming back from visiting some friends when these bikers splashed her car. And you know how she is about that car of hers.”

  “Oh yeah,” Derik said. “No one messes with that convertible.”

  “Well, she followed them to this bar, the same one I’d tracked Larson to, and went in ready to fight. It didn’t take long before she was in over her head, and a drunk was trying to manhandle her. When I realized what was going on, I stepped in and said she was there to meet me.”

  “Good thinking,” Derik said before taking another bite of his sandwich.

  “She was still mad at me and didn’t want to go along with it, so the guy tried to get macho and insisted I prove that she was my girl by marrying her.”

  “You mean really marry her?”

  “No. He called the bartender over, and he went through the motions, but it was all a ruse. I convinced her to go along with it just to get us out of there.” He dipped some fries in a puddle of catsup and stuffed them in his mouth.

  “Is this the same bartender Chief Stover said was a justice of the peace?”

  “Yes, his name is Buck something or other.” Pete took another bite of fries

  Derik wiped his mouth. “If this guy is actually a justice of the peace, then he really does perform weddings, right?”

  Pete shrugged. “Yeah, I guess so. Why?”

  “Is there any chance this sham wedding isn’t so sham? Could you guys be married for real?”

  “No, you have to get a license first for it to be legal. I just like to give Mikki a hard time.”

  “So, when are you going to make it real? Isn’t it about time to pop the question?” Derik asked before picking up his glass.

  Pete stopped chewing. His eyes locked with Derik’s.

  Derik shrugged. “What? You said you’ve been thinking about it. I don’t see any reason to put it off, especially if this doctor is trying to nose his way in. I don’t know what you’re waiting for.”

  Pete took a drink and set his glass down. “Me either.”

  Chapter 56

  Judge Gaston walked into the courtroom and pulled out his chair, pausing when he saw the full gallery. He sat down and addressed the bailiff. “What’s going on? Who are all these people?”

  The deputy shook his head.

  The judge opened the file in front of him and began to shuffle through papers. “Austin Riley, please approach the bench.”

  Austin stood and walked to the front with Gil Keaton at his side.

  Gaston studied one of the pages. “Your drug tests have all been negative. Good for you, young man. Keep it up.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Austin said.

  The judge looked at a second page. “Your tutor says you are doing very well.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Excuse me, Your Honor. I’m Julie Tanner, Austin’s tutor. May I speak?”

  Judge Gaston said, “Yes, by all means, please come forward.”

  Julie stepped beside Austin. “I just wanted to tell you that not only is Austin doing well, he has caught up with all of his assignments, and in some cases, he has surpassed his classmates.” She smiled at the boy and continued, “He’s a hard worker.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. Thank you, Ms. Tanner, and good job, Austin.”

  When the judge picked up a third sheet of paper, his eyes went from Austin to Mr. Keaton. “Is this right? You were arrested for auto theft?”

  “I wasn’t driving, sir. I don’t even know how to drive, or hotwire a car, but Derik––”

  “I can explain that, Your Honor,” Derik said, jumping from his seat.

  Gaston slid his glasses down his nose. “Who are you?”

  “Derik Stone. I was the one who stole, I mean borrowed, the car so we could follow the drug dealers. I wasn’t actually going to steal it.”

  Gaston looked at the bailiff. “Do you know what he’s talking about?”

  The deputy shook his head.

  “Okay, step forward.”

  Derik walked to the front and stood next to Austin, Julie, and Keaton. “I was responsible for keeping an eye on Austin, but when the drug dealers took off, I decided to follow them. I didn’t have a vehicle, so I borrowed theirs and took Austin with me. I know it was wrong, and I take full responsibility.”

  Gaston perused the report then wrinkled his brow. “You were chasing a drug dealer?”

  Derik’s lawyer rushed forward with a leather briefcase under his arm, papers and files bulging from all sides. The short, thin man with glasses on top of his head held the case against his body with his elbow as he adjusted his bowtie. “Lloyd Overby, Your Honor. I would like to council my client before he makes any further statements.”

  Gaston scanned the room. “Who’s your client?”

  “Mr. Stone, Your Honor. And with the Court’s permission, I ask that the last statement be stricken from the record.”

  “Actually, Mr. Overby, the Court would love to hear what Mr. Stone has to say before I decide whether or not to strike it.” Judge Gaston turned to Derik once again. “Go ahead, Mr. Stone, you were telling me how you stole an automobile and, with a minor in the car, ended up chasing a drug dealer.” He dropped his chin in his hand. “I’m all ears.”

  “Perhaps I can explain, Your Honor.” Pete stepped to the short gate. “May I?”

  “You might as well, Sheriff Foster.” Gaston waved Pete forward.

  “You see, sir, Derik, I mean Mr. Stone, and Austin went to the car show with me. I showed them a mug shot of a man I was looking for named Mitchell Larson.”

  “He’s one of the guys we were chasing,” Austin said.

  Gaston nodded then turned back to Pete.

  Pete continued, “My office is in the process of building a case against Mr. Larson, and I understand the DEA is also investigating him. When I saw Larson and Dr. Cook together, I attempted to tail them. But Cook saw me and grabbed Mikki and took off. I decided to follow them, because I feared for her safety. While I was going after them, I asked Derik to keep an eye on Larson, and Austin.”

  Gaston scratched his head. “Why did you fear for Ms. Gray’s safety when she was with the doctor?”

  “Your Honor, if I may.” Mikki stood at the short rail between her and the judge.

  Gaston rubbed his brow. “Ms. Gray, please come join us.”

  Mikki stepped to the bench and clasped her hands in front of her. “I was not actually in danger.”

  “Yes, you were,” Pete said. “The man was driving like an idiot.”

  “That was because you were chasing us.”

  Gaston’s eyes bounced from one to the other.

  “Your Honor,” Pete said.

  Judge Gaston took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He looked at Pete with one eye.

  “I was following them because I witnessed the doctor behaving in a suspicious manner with Mr. Larson. When he saw me, he forced Mikki into his car and took off. I had no alternative but to pursue them until backup arrived.”

  Gaston scratched his head. “So, Larson was with Ms. Gray and the doctor?”

  “No, sir,” said Derik. “He was in the white truck, which we were following.”

  Gaston wrinkled his brow. “What truck?”

  “We think it’s the same one that ran Uncle Pete off the road,” Austin said.

  Gaston’s head went from side to side as he struggled to keep up with who was speaking.

  “Your Honor, for clarification, I’m not accusing Mr. Larson of running me off the road. I didn’t get a good look at the driver,” Pete said.

  “Excuse me, Your Honor. May I approach?” A man in a dark suit stood behind the others.

  “And who in the Sam Hill are you?”

  “Agent Carter Polk, sir. DEA.” The man joined the others when Gaston raised his arm and wiggled his fingers. “Sheriff Foster is correct. We are investigating Larson. I came here in hopes of talking with both Mr. Stone and Austin Riley. We are offering to drop the auto theft charges in return for their testimony against Mitchell Larson, Jeff Echols, and Franklin Wingfield. I thought that information might be helpful to you in dealing with young Mr. Riley today.”

  Gaston put his elbows on his desk and held his head. “Who in tarnation are Jeff Echols and Franklin Wingfield?” He scanned the nearly empty seats. “Do they want to speak, too?”

  “No, sir. They were in the truck with Mr. Larson, and they have also been charged with possession with intent to distribute,” Polk replied.

  “Frankie goes to my school, but we aren’t friends,” said Austin.

  Gaston gave the boy a quick glance then looked at Pete. “So, this truck, with all these people in it, ran you off the road while you were chasing the doctor and Ms. Gray?”

  “No, sir. The truck ran me off the road the night we were married.”

  Mikki glared at Pete and put her fists on her hips. “We are not married! Stop telling people that!

  A squeal erupted from the audience. Kelly jumped out of her seat and ran forward. “You are married? Why didn’t you tell me?” She wrapped her arms around her friend and hugged her.

  “Who are you?” Gaston said, rubbing his temples.

  “I’m sorry, Your Honor. I’m Kelly Stone. I’m Derik’s wife and Mikki’s best friend.” She turned back to Mikki and hugged her again. “This is so great.”

  Judge Gaston continued to massage his temples.

  Lisa jumped out of her seat on the front row. “Does this mean you really are married?” She stepped to the gate and paused. “May I, Your Honor?”

  Gaston threw his hands in the air. “Sure, come join the fun.” He sat back and folded his hands over his stomach.

  Lisa ran to her brother. “I’m confused. I thought it was just a pretense. Did you guys get married or not?” She looked at Austin. “Do you know what’s going on?”

  Austin shook his head. “No. I thought Mikki said it was a joke.” He smiled at Pete. “So, is this for real?”

  Mikki stomped her foot. “Tell them. We are not married.”

  “Not actually, at least not yet,” Pete said.

  Lisa wrapped her arms around Pete. “You’re engaged? I can’t believe it!” She turned to Mikki and hugged her. “This is wonderful.”

  Julie clapped her hands. “Yes, it is. I’m so happy for you.”

  Mikki stomped her foot again. “No, he’s wrong. We aren’t married, and we aren’t engaged.” She glared at Pete. “See what you are doing!”

  “Will someone please explain what is going on,” said Judge Gaston.

  Mikki turned to the judge. “There were a bunch of drunks in a bar who were showing off, and they told the bartender to marry us. Pete said it would be better to play along instead of making them mad, so we did.” She pointed her chin toward the sheriff. “And he insists on bringing it up every chance he gets.”