Arrested Romance (Oak Spring Series Book 2) Page 18
“Buck’s Place?” Judge Gaston said.
Mikki looked at him in surprise. “Yes, how does everyone know that?”
“I couldn’t tell you how many times that scoundrel has done something like that. I think that’s why they keep electing him as justice of the peace. They want to see what he will come up with next. Seems I even heard a rumor about farm animals.” He shook his head and returned his attention to the file.
“Okay, I’m confused,” Austin said. “Are they married or not?”
Mikki shook her head. “No, we are not married. I would never marry him in a bar full of hooligans.” She folded her arms across her chest. “Besides, he never asked me.”
“Would you have said yes if I did?” Pete said.
“I don’t know. Are you asking me?”
“What do you mean you don’t know? You’ve already been dress shopping. And besides, I asked you first.”
“Well, I’m not answering you until you answer me.” Mikki turned her back toward him then looked over her shoulder. “How did you know I went shopping for a dress?”
“That may have been my fault,” Derik said, “I found—”
“No, it was all my fault,” Kelly interrupted.
The chatter of people filled the air as the friends talked at once. The two lawyers stood behind the crowd, conversing with the DEA agent.
There was a loud bang as Judge Gaston’s gavel hit the sounding board. “Order! Order in the court!”
The room grew quiet.
Judge Gaston rubbed his temples. “Okay young man, let’s get back to the case at hand. You are still staying with Ms. Gray, correct?”
“Yes, sir,” Austin said.
“Your Honor, may I speak?” Lisa said.
Gaston sighed and said, “Why not, everyone else is.”
“Your Honor, considering everything that has happened recently, I’ve decided to move to Oak Springs. I ask the Court to please consider returning my son to my custody.”
Pete looked from Lisa to Austin and back. “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”
Lisa ignored him and continued to address the judge. “Austin likes the school, and during my numerous trips here, I’ve fallen in love with the town and the people. I’ve already put my notice in at work and will be relocating within the next two weeks. Of course, until then, I will continue to come and stay with Austin on the weekends while Mikki, I mean Ms. Gray, is working. She has done a great job with him, and I will always be grateful for her willingness to step up and offer to care for Austin, but his place is with me.” She looked at Pete and back at the judge. “If we live here, he will have regular contact with his uncle, who in spite of this entire debacle is a good and decent man, and a great role model.”
Judge Gaston sat back and studied the young man in front of him. He rubbed his chin while he rocked in his leather chair. “For the time being, I am going to leave things as they are. Austin will remain with Ms. Gray.” He leaned forward and looked at the calendar on his desk. “We will meet again in three weeks. Hopefully by then, you will have found a place to live and relocated.” He looked at Austin. “And in the meantime, stay out of trouble.”
Austin grinned. “Yes, sir!”
Gaston hammered his gavel. “Now, all of you are excused. Please get out of my courtroom.”
Chapter 57
Mikki walked out of the courtroom surrounded by her friends.
Pete stopped beside her and said, “I think we need to talk.”
“About what?”
“When you get married are you guys going to live in Mikki’s house?” Austin said.
“We can help you plan the wedding, and the reception,” Kelly said.
“Oh, I want to help,” Julie said as she began to dig in her purse.
“Me too,” Lisa said.
The two lawyers exited the courthouse together. Mr. Keaton approached the group and shook Pete’s hand. “I’ll see you later, Sheriff.” He turned to leave and nodded at Lisa before continuing to his car.
Lloyd Overby nodded at everyone and shook Derik’s hand. When he looked up, Julie was watching him. He blushed and hurried across the parking lot.
“Mikki, where do you want to have the wedding? What about the reception?” Kelly asked.
Julie turned the page on the small notepad she held and began a list. “What color scheme do you want?”
“We can do finger foods and Mimosas. How does that sound?” Lisa suggested.
Mikki began to rub her temples. “What? No, there isn’t going to be a wedding or a reception.”
Pete leaned toward Mikki. “I need to talk to you.”
“Do you want a chocolate fountain? They are so cool, but they can be messy,” Kelly said.
Mikki sighed. “No, I said there’s not going to be a wedding.”
“Come on, let’s go,” Pete said. He took her arm and led her to his truck.
“What do you want?” she said, pulling her arm away from him.
He opened the door and said, “You need a chance to breathe, and we need to talk.” He turned to the crowd. “I’m sorry everyone. Give us a minute. We’ll see you later.” He closed the door and hurried to the driver’s side.
Mikki was chewing on her bottom lip when he climbed into the truck beside her and squeezed her hand. They drove to the city park in silence. Two women sat on a blanket, watching three small children playing on the swings. An elderly man walked a dog on the other side of the large pond. Pete went to Mikki’s side of the truck and opened the door. He took her hand as she slid out and continued to hold it as they walked to a picnic table. Both sat with their backs against the table top with their legs stretched out in front of them. The scent of honeysuckle filled the air.
“What do you need to talk to me about?” Mikki asked.
She didn’t respond.
He took a deep breath. “Is the idea of being married to me so bad?”
She looked at him and blinked.
“Not long ago I told Derik I was thinking about our future, and I know the idea has crossed your mind. You’ve even been shopping for a wedding dress.”
She nodded.
He went to one knee in front of her. “I love you, Mikki. I think you know that, and if you don’t, then I intend to prove it to you every day, if you’ll let me. I’m asking you to be my wife.” He brushed her hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry I don’t have a big fancy diamond ring right now, but I’ll get you whatever you want.”
Mikki shook her head and wiped her eye. “I don’t want one.”
Pete sat back on his heel. “Come on, Mikki, please. I want this.”
“No, I mean I don’t want a big diamond ring. I want a simple band. Diamonds that stick up can poke holes in the rubber gloves at work or scratch a patient.” She sniffed. “I want a plain band. Is that okay?”
Pete sat down and wrapped his arms around her. “You can have anything you want.” He kissed her, and she slid her arm around his neck and kissed him back. “A simple band it is.”
“So, when do you want to do this?” she asked as she wiped her eyes.
“As soon as possible, but I know you want a big fancy wedding with all the trimmings.”
“No, I don’t care about any of that. I just want to be your wife.”
“Really?” He looked at his watch. “Then what are we waiting for?”
“Now? You want to get married now? Today?”
“Sure, why not? We can go back to the courthouse, get a license, and find a minister or even a justice of the peace.”
Mikki laughed. “You know Lisa and Kelly will kill us if they find out we really did sneak off and get married.”
He pulled the phone out of his pocket. “Then let’s te
ll them.” He punched in the numbers and dropped his arm around Mikki’s shoulder. After a moment, he said, “Hey, Lisa, just wanted to let you know that Mikki and I are getting married.” He held the phone away and laughed as her squeal filled the air. “Yes, for real.” He kissed Mikki while he listened to his sister then said, “Today. We are going to the courthouse now to get the license. Sure, tell everyone.” He ended the call and kissed Mikki again.
“I heard the scream, but what else did she say?”
“It seems they stopped for ice cream after they left the courthouse, so they were all still together. That took care of it with one call.” He stood and stretched out his hand. “Let’s do this.”
Mikki took Pete’s hand and walked with him to the truck. “I can’t believe we are really going to get married.”
“Well, we are. I asked, and you said yes . . . wait, you never actually said yes, did you?” He stopped and wrapped his arms around her. “Mikki Gray, will you marry me?”
“Yes, a thousand times yes.” She kissed him. When a car horn sounded, followed by a whistle, she pulled away and straightened his tie. “I’m sorry. I guess I shouldn’t do that in public, I mean since you are an elected official and all.”
“It’s not like we’re making out on the street corner,” he said with a laugh. “I’m in a park, kissing my soon-to-be bride.” He kissed her again. “The world be damned.”
When Pete started the truck, he said, “There is one quick stop we need to make before we go to the courthouse.”
A short time later they drove into the courthouse parking lot holding hands. Neither spoke as they walked into the registrar’s office. Once they got the license, Mikki said, “Do you know of a minister or JP who would be available to perform the ceremony today?”
The clerk looked at the clock on the wall. “No, but I think the judge is still here. You can check and see if he’s in his office.”
Mikki looked at Pete. “What do you think?”
“Sure, let’s go.” They thanked the lady behind the counter and hurried toward the elevator.
Judge Gaston was sitting at his desk when his secretary knocked on the door with Mikki and Pete standing behind her. “Excuse me, Judge, but these people would like to speak to you.”
When he saw the couple, he removed his glasses and dropped them on top of the papers he had been studying then sat back in his chair and let out a long breath. “You again? Now what?”
“We want to get married,” Pete said.
Gaston folded his hands over his stomach, and one finger began to tap. “Now?”
“Yes, sir, if you can,” Mikki said.
“Do you have a license?”
They nodded, and Pete handed the paper to him.
After examining the document, he asked Mikki, “Are you sure about this?”
She took Pete’s hand and smiled. “Yes, sir.”
He sat forward and reached into a desk drawer. After opening a dark blue book, he said, “We need a couple of witnesses. I’ll ask my secretary to come in.” He had just hit the intercom button on the desk phone when there was a commotion in the hall.
“Wait! Stop the wedding,” a female voice cried.
Everyone turned toward the office door. Lisa, Kelly, Julie, Austin, and Derik poured into the room. “Wait, Your Honor.” Lisa said.
Gaston dropped his head in his hands. “Not again.”
“I’m sorry, Judge, but they wanted to be here for the wedding,” said the secretary who stood at the back of the crowd.
“Oh, I’m so glad you’re here,” said Mikki as she hugged Kelly.
“The woman downstairs told us you had come up here,” Kelly said. “We aren’t too late, are we? I would hate it if I missed your wedding.”
Mikki hugged her. “No, we were just getting started.”
Derik slapped Pete on the back and shook his hand. “Dang, man. When you make up your mind, you don’t waste time. Congratulations.”
“Thanks. I’m glad you came.”
Gaston cleared his throat. “Can we begin?” he said above the commotion.
“Yes, sir,” Mikki said, turning toward the judge. “We’re ready.”
“Are any of these people going to serve as your witnesses?”
“I will,” Derik said. He stepped up beside Pete and winked at his friend.
“Kelly, will you?” Mikki asked as she reached for her friend.
“I would be honored,” Kelly said. She joined the others in front of the judge.
The ceremony was short and solemn. All the women cried, and Pete was seen wiping his eyes more than once. After he kissed his new bride, they thanked Gaston and took the signed certificate back to the first-floor office.
When the couple left the courthouse, their friends were waiting in the parking lot.
Derik shook Pete’s hand. “Man, I hate to run, but I’ve got to get back to work.”
Pete said, “Thanks for standing up with us.”
“It was my pleasure.” He slugged Pete on the arm. “We will have you guys over for steaks one night soon.” He hugged Mikki then kissed his wife before jogging to his truck.
Lisa also hugged the newlyweds. “I need to go, too. I have to get home before Chloe gets out of school. I’ll drop Austin at your house.”
Kelly hugged the couple and said, “Congratulations you two.” She turned to Mikki. “Now we can have that reception. Just leave it all to me. It will be beautiful, you’ll see. We’ll talk later.” She waved and hurried to catch up with Lisa and her son.
Pete and Mikki stood between his truck and her car. He smiled and took her into his arms. “Finally alone.” He kissed her and bit her earlobe.
She laughed and said, “You can’t do that here.”
“Sure I can. You’re my wife.” He started to kiss her again when his phone rang. He groaned and answered then began to pace in front of her while he talked. When he hung up, he said, “I’m sorry, but that was the office. I need to run.”
“I understand. I’ll see you tonight when you get off.”
“Yeah, we can get something to eat. We need some time alone.”
She kissed him. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
After opening her door for her, he went to his truck.
She waved goodbye and turned her car in one direction while he went in the opposite. On the way home, she decided to stop and get a bottle of wine to celebrate the occasion. When she arrived at her house, there were no cars in the drive and no one in sight when she walked inside. She placed the wine on the counter and hung her purse on the back of a chair. “Hello, is anyone home? Lisa? Austin?” There was no reply.
Mikki saw the bouquet of flowers on the kitchen table with an envelope leaning against the vase. She removed the card and read the message. It was from Lisa, saying that she had gone home, Kelly had taken Austin with her for the night, and there was a bottle of wine chilling in the refrigerator. She sat down at the table and looked at the flowers then read the card again. Nervous laughter bubbled up inside her and slid down her cheeks.
Chapter 58
Pete stepped out of his office and said, “I’m leaving. See you guys tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow? I thought you would be on your honeymoon,” said the female deputy behind the desk. “Judge Gaston’s bailiff told us what happened after court today. When were you going to tell us you were married? I didn’t take you for the eloping type,” the woman teased.
“Very funny. We didn’t elope. We just didn’t have a big wedding.”
“Well, congratulations to you both, and you better not be here tomorrow.”
Pete laughed as he left the building. He slid into his truck and sat for a minute, tapping the steering wheel and thinking. When he drove out of the par
king lot, instead of turning toward Mikki’s house, he turned toward town.
An hour later he walked into Mikki’s kitchen and saw her standing at the stove. Pete took her into his arms and kissed her. “Hi.”
“I was wondering where you were.” She took the collar of his button-down shirt and pulled him closer for a kiss.
“I stopped by the house and changed. Didn’t want to stay in my uniform all night.” He looked around. “Where is everyone?”
She handed him the card and smiled.
“Does this mean we are actually alone? For the whole night?”
She wrapped her arms around him. “Yes.” After a quick kiss, she went to the stove and lifted the lid on a pot. As she stirred, she said, “I thought instead of going out I would make spaghetti. It will be ready in a few minutes. Can you wait?”
“No.” He swept her into his arms and sat her on the kitchen counter. “I can’t wait another minute to kiss you.” His hands began to explore her body as he deepened his kisses. She grasped his shoulders and shivered when his tongue dipped in the hollow spot at the base of her throat and traveled to her ear.
She giggled and pushed him away. “You are going to make me burn dinner. Why don’t you set the table while I dish this up?”
He groaned and helped her off the counter, letting her body slide against his until her toes touched the floor.
They ate dinner, feeding each other bites, and kissing whenever they could. When the meal was over, they cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher. Mikki refilled their wine glasses and handed them to Pete. He followed her to the back deck and watched her flip on the hot tub. They didn’t speak as she began to light the candles scattered around the railing and on the patio table. She opened a cabinet in the corner of the deck and sorted through a stack of CDs. After loading the machine, she hit play. A slow, seductive melody floated through the air. She stripped off her clothes and left them in a pile on the floor then stepped into the bubbling water without looking back.