Arrested Romance (Oak Spring Series Book 2) Page 20
“I’ll turn on the hot tub.”
Chapter 61
Pete pulled into the crowded parking lot of the old mill and laughed. “I guess that’s where I’m supposed to park.” There was a handwritten sign on one of the trees that flanked the main entrance. It read BRIDE AND GROOM. Several colorful balloons were attached to the poster board. “That looks like something Chloe would do.”
“I think it’s sweet,” Mikki said.
He parked, put his finger between his collar and throat, and tugged. “I have to wear a tie every day to work, and I wear one to church on Sunday. I don’t know why Lisa had to make us dress up for this.”
“It’s a wedding reception. Our wedding reception. Quit complaining. I happen to think you look very handsome.”
He walked to the passenger side and opened her door. She put one foot out, allowing the knee-length sequined dress to ride up her leg. She slid the hem up a few more inches, exposing the sexy lace garter. Pete’s eyes grew wide. He took her hand to help her out then pressed her to the car with his body.
Just as his lips touched hers, Lisa came out of the building. “There you are. We’ve been waiting on you. Come on in.”
Pete’s mouth slid to Mikki’s ear. “You did that just to drive me crazy. I’ll be thinking about that garter all night.”
Mikki nipped his earlobe. “I hope so. And think about something else, too. Every time we dance, every time you look at me across the room, every time our eyes meet, remember that little garter is the only thing I’m wearing under this dress.” She laughed when Pete dropped his forehead to hers and groaned.
Lisa ran up and took Mikki’s arm. “Wait until you see the inside—it’s beautiful.” The two women walked toward the door, leaving Pete beside the car. Lisa looked at him and said, “Well, don’t just stand there.” Mikki glanced over her shoulder and winked.
Chloe rushed out of the building and skipped down the walkway. “Hi, Mikki! Hi, Uncle Pete!” She stopped in front of her uncle and pointed. “Did you see the sign? I made it myself.” She twirled around with her arms over her head. “How do you like my new dress?” She took his hand and tugged. “Come on, let’s go in. Are you okay? You look sort of funny?”
Pete tugged on his collar and took a deep breath then smiled at his niece. “I’m fine, just needed some fresh air. You look very nice tonight, kiddo. That sign is great. You did a good job.” They followed Lisa and Mikki inside with Chloe chattering away and Pete watching every step his wife took.
They walked into a large space filled with people. At the far end of the room was a stone fireplace that went from floor to ceiling. Open rafters were decorated with small white lights. Tables lined each side, leaving an open dance floor in the center. Thick wooden posts supported the vaulted roof. Four crystal chandeliers hung from a wide beam. A four-tiered wedding cake, along with a large crystal punch bowl, sat on a table centered on a side wall.
Mikki gasped. “Oh, Lisa! This is beautiful.”
“Yes, it is. This looks real nice,” Pete said.
“Do you like it? We hoped you would.”
“It’s breathtaking. Even better than I could imagine.” Mikki hugged her sister-in-law and said, “Thank you.” Kelly walked up and smiled. Mikki included her in the embrace. “Thank you, both of you.”
People had noticed the new arrivals, and soon they were swallowed up in the crowd. Men in white shirts and black vests wandered through the room with trays of drinks, finger sandwiches, and hors d’oeuvres. Pete grabbed a glass of punch as one man passed. He took a sip and surveyed the room.
Deputy Tripp walked by and said, “Hey, Sheriff, congratulations.” Pete lifted his glass in a salute then took a drink.
Derik slapped him on the back. “Well, you throw a nice party, but did we have to get so dressed up? I mean, you would be just as married if we were in jeans.”
“I hear you.” Pete scanned the room and spotted Mikki talking with several women. She glanced his way, took a sip of her drink, and slowly licked her lips. He cleared his throat and tugged on his collar.
“You okay?” Derik said.
“Yeah, it’s just a little warm in here.”
Pete greeted guests and mingled with the crowd. Music filled the air, and couples began to meet in the center of the room while those not dancing moved to the tables and watched. He searched the room for Mikki. Their eyes met, and she gave him a look that made his pulse race.
Pete started toward her and smiled when he saw Austin, dressed in a pale blue shirt and red tie, talking to Page at one of the tables. He made his way to the youngsters and said, “Are you guys having fun?”
“Yes, sir. Thanks for inviting me, and congratulations,” Page said.
“Glad you could come.”
Austin said, “If you’re looking for Mikki, she was over by the fireplace a few minutes ago with Mom.”
“Okay, thanks.” He leaned toward the boy but spoke loud enough for Page to hear, “If you don’t ask her to dance, I will.” He winked at the girl and walked away.
Pete joined Mikki and slipped his arms around her waist. “Would my beautiful bride honor me with a dance?”
Mikki kissed his cheek. “She would love to.” They joined the rest of the couples on the dance floor. A few minutes later Lisa waved when she danced past in the arms of Gil Keaton. On the third song, Pete gave a thumbs up when he saw Austin dancing with Page. He laughed when he noticed the boy’s lips moving as he counted his steps.
The music began to reach a crescendo. Pete twirled Mikki around and laid her over his arm. He heard a giggle beside him and saw Austin had done the same with Page. The two males grinned at each other.
Chapter 62
Hours later, after the cake had been cut and toasts made, Mikki rested her head against Pete’s shoulder and swayed to the music. “Are you having a good time?” he said.
“Yes, are you?”
“Any time I get to hold you in my arms is great to me.” He kissed her temple and continued to move to the slow tempo.
“Look at that,” Mikki said.
Pete glanced to his left and saw Julie Tanner dancing with Derik’s lawyer, Lloyd Overby. The man pushed his glasses up his nose and said something to the smiling woman. She adjusted his crooked bowtie and laughed.
Next to them, Carter Polk held Lisa in his arms as they moved to the music. “It looks like Lisa is having fun, too. That’s the second time she’s danced with Agent Polk,” Mikki said.
“I know, and she was dancing with Gil Keaton earlier. I thought I saw both of those men watching her pretty closely that day in court when she told the judge she had decided to move here. Something tells me my sister is going to enjoy living in Oak Springs.”
After they danced one more time, Mikki went to the ladies’ room, and Pete sat down with Kelly and Derik. “Thank you again for doing all of this for us,” Pete said to Kelly.
“It was my pleasure, but Lisa and Julie did a lot of the work. I can’t take all the credit.”
“Speaking of Julie, it looks like she and Overby are hitting it off,” Derik said. “You know, he may be a little nerdy, but the guy is a darn good lawyer. He managed to get the auto theft charges dropped and cut a deal for the child endangerment charges to a few hours of community service, which I don’t mind. It was worth it to drive that car.” He shook his head and chuckled. “Yep, I’d do it again in a heartbeat if I had the chance”
Kelly swatted his arm. “Don’t you dare! Our children are not going to grow up visiting their father in prison. Pete, did you see Austin?” She pointed her chin toward the dance floor.
“Yes, the kid looks as stiff as a board, doesn’t he?” Pete sat back and watched his nephew, who was still silently counting his steps. “I’m glad Page’s mother let her come tonight. That girl’s been a good influence on him.”
br /> After a few minutes of visiting, Pete went to the punch bowl. He was filling his glass when Lisa walked up beside him with Gil Keaton. The lawyer squeezed her hand and excused himself then went toward the restrooms. “Looks like you’re having fun.” Pete said. “Keaton seems like a nice enough fellow.”
Lisa took a glass of punch. “I’m having a blast.” She glanced toward the man making his way through the crowd. “Gil is very nice, and he’s a good dancer.”
“How about Polk? You two seemed to be getting pretty cozy, too.”
“We danced. There’s nothing wrong with that.” She took a sip and scanned the room until they fell on the DEA agent. “Carter is nice, too. He’s a lot of fun when he isn’t working.”
“So, is there a budding romance in your future with one of these guys?”
“Who knows, but I think I’m going to enjoy finding out.”
Mikki joined them. “I’ve danced so much my feet are hurting.”
Pete slid his arm around her waist. “Are you ready to go home?”
“No! You can’t go now,” Lisa said. “Just one more dance, please?”
Pete looked at Mikki and raised a brow. She nodded, and he said, “Okay, one more, but then we are out of here.”
“Great.” Lisa set her cup down and took off toward the DJ.
A slow song began, and Pete took Mikki in his arms. She laid her head on his shoulder and let him lead her across the floor.
The DJ announced that Mikki and Pete would be leaving after the last dance. He asked the crowd to make their way to the front door and reminded them to take one of the decorative bags of flower petals from the servers on their way out.
Pete and Mikki continued to move to the music while the guests made their way to the door. When the song ended, the couple went to the exit and were showered with the sweet fragrance of the petals as they ran through the crowd toward Mikki’s car, now covered with shaving cream, streamers, and window paint.
Pete held the door for his wife while she slipped into the car. The garter peeked from under the hem of her dress as she adjusted her seatbelt. He groaned again and began ripping his tie off as he hurried to the driver’s side of the automobile.
Mikki gave him a wink when he slid into the seat. He started the car, and the horn sounded. “Sorry about that. I must have bumped the horn,” he said. He folded the convertible top back as their friends waved and cheered. They waved back, and he eased out of the space. The horn sounded again. “What the . . .?” He growled and said, “Oh no he didn’t.”
“What?” Mikki asked. “Who did what?”
Pete narrowed his eyes and searched the crowd. “What did you do, Stone?”
Derik gave an exaggerated look of innocence. “Sounds like you have an electrical problem. Bring her in, and I’ll take a look at it.”
“Electrical problem, my foot. You wired the damn horn to the brake!”
There was a gasp and roar of laughter from the group.
Derik grinned.
Mikki shook her head and waved once more as Pete pulled away, mumbling under his breath. She looked back toward the crowd and chuckled when she saw the sign tied to the top of the trunk. It read, “RECENTLY MARRIED - FOR REAL.” She laughed again when Pete stopped before merging into traffic and the horn blared once more.
Once they were on the road, Pete looked at Mikki and winked. He laid his hand on her thigh and slowly traced the garter with his fingertip. “I can’t wait to get you home, Mrs. Foster.”
She turned her knees toward him and whispered, “Then hurry up, Sheriff.”
When they arrived home, Pete helped Mikki out of the car. His eyes were drawn to her long legs as she turned in the seat, exposing her thigh. They climbed the stoop to the porch, and she leaned against the wall as he fumbled for the key. Once the door was open, he kissed her, pressing against her as she pulled him closer. He suddenly stepped back, scooped her in his arms, and carried her inside. “Now, let’s have a better look at that garter,” he said as he kicked the door closed behind them.
Also from Soul Mate Publishing and Sherri McDuffie:
Kelly Hastings is on the run from Jarrod Dinson, an abusive boyfriend wannabe, and looking for a place to start her life over when her car breaks down in the middle of nowhere.
Derik Stone is a widowed father on a mission to rescue a stranded motorist, and looking forward to nothing more than returning to his warm bed and a few hours of sleep.
In need of a place to live and a way to pay for the repairs to her car, Kelly accepts the first job offer to come her way—nanny to the handsome mechanic's two young boys.
Just as her life calms down and the relationship with her new employer heats up, Kelly’s past finds her.
When Jarrod arrives in Oak Springs, along with threats and flying bullets, their lives are drastically changed, and Kelly is no longer the only one in danger. Suddenly, the threats become reality, and Jarrod does the unthinkable.
Who will ultimately need to be rescued, and who will be the rescuer?
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